The Dangers of Visceral Belly Fat

Unlike subcutaneous fat, which lies just under the skin, visceral fat accumulates deep inside your stomach region and blankets the organs. Consequently, visceral fat is more dangerous than other fat, such as hip and thigh, because it smothers the organs, triggering health risks such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Further, evaluations of over 6,000 Kaiser Permanente patients in Northern California, over a 36-year period, approximately, suggest there may be a link between excess belly fat and dementia. The patients with elevated belly fat appeared to have a higher risk for dementia. Curiously, even patients with normal overall body weight, but with large bellies, were included in the high risk category.

For women, if your belly perimeter exceeds 35 inches, you may be at a higher risk for disease. Men too, have the same risk if their circumference exceeds 40 inches. The fact is, a large belly is conducive to visceral fat accumulation.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor diet choices induce visceral fat. Genes can contribute to weight issues in addition and determine where and how you carry your weight.

Our parents and grandparents are our tellers of healthy fortune. Taking your genetic predispositions into consideration at an early age can influence a healthy life and make all the difference when fighting disease, including the battle of the bulge. If you learn to work with what you have, what you have won’t work against you. Pass this adage on to your children, so to ensure healthier generations to come.

To combat visceral fat, combinations of aerobics and strength training are highly recommended. Try exercising first thing in the morning (before breakfast). Exercising before you eat causes your body to burn its fat reserve and not just your bowl of oatmeal.

Decrease your caloric intake; you must take in fewer calories than you burn. Eat a diet high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Moderate your carbohydrates and choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat (no white bread). Toss out the refined sugar and alcohol. Reduce trans and saturated fats; try canola oil, its saturated fat content of about 7% is lower than many others. The good news is visceral fat succumbs easily to exercise and diet.  But you must commit to the effort. Make good faith changes to your lifestyle and stick to them, you’ll see the results.